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kabanga REFERRAL hospital

Welcome to the Kabanga Referral Hospital opensource website

Our story

This website is part of a program sponsored by the Afas Foundation. The program aims to invest in the Kabange Referral Hospital (Tanzania), so that the hospital can live up to it's referral function in the region and become a sustainable hospital. 

The goal of this website is to share knowledge about all the projects with related specifications, program and project methods used and operational information about how the hospital is ran and proces improvements are made.

Latest news

Coming soon


The hospital is owned by the Catholic Church and is ran on a daily basis by the management team on site. Looking at the organisation, we distinguish two perspectives: the Change and the Run.

Within both you can read more about what it entails, the used methodologies, templates and models, as well as lessons learned applying them to our hospital. In addition, in the Run you will also find key figures and other management information of the hospital.   


The Change organisation is focused on managing all the change initiatives 


The Run organisation is focused on managing the daily operation of the hospital

Kabanga Referral Hospital - Introduction program

Kabanga Referral Hospital - Introduction program

OUR projects

All change initiatives (projects) we have completed and/or are currently undertaking are documented and listed on this projectpage. Each project has its own page with related documentation and specifications such as costs and requirements, so that other hospitals have a benchmark and can learn from our successes and mistakes.

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